Op-amp circuits
- Ideal op amp review (from 201)
- And more ideal op amps
- Non-ideal aspects of op-amps
- Op-amp gain-bandwidth limitations
- Stability & Linear oscillators
- Designing amplifiers with one supply
- Non-linear circuits: comparators
- non-linear oscillators
- Comparator/oscillator: Excel spreadsheet calculator | JavaScript calculator (Ben Engebrecht, Fall 2015)
- 555 timer
- Data converters
Laplace & Fourier
- Fourier series
- Complex Fourier series
- Fourier Transform
- Sampling
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Background and basic definitions
- First-order filters
- Second-order filters - intro
- Second-order filters - circuits
- Second-order Ladder circuits
- Interesting op-amp 2nd-order filters
- Higher-order filters: Butterworth, etc
- p-n junction
- Ideal diode equation and the on/off approximation (review from 201)
- Examples of diodes in circuits.
- Zener diodes
- Rectifiers (review from 201).
- Clamping / regulation.
- opto-electronic diodes
- Fancier rectifiers
- from diode to BJT – npn forward-active operation
- npn in saturation
- Complete npn model.
- pnp BJT
- BJT applications
- Small-signal analysis – general concepts
- Small-signal models for MOSFETs and BJTs
- Common-source and common-emitter amps
- Common-gate and common-base amps
- Common-drain and common-collectors amps
Digital circuits
- inverters
- Noise margin, size, power, and speed
- CMOS inverter
- NAND and NOR gates
- higher-order functionality
- Flash memory