EE 201 Circuits G. Tuttle

Two-port amplifier model practice problems
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Read the Amplifier class notes.

For the amplifier circuit shown, RS = 8.2 kΩ, and RL = 47 Ω.

For amp 1: Ri1 = 1.2 kΩ, A1= 20, Ro1 = 820 Ω.

For amp 2: Ri2 = 270 Ω, A2= 25, Ro2 = 390 Ω.

For amp 3: Ri3 = 100 Ω, A3= 10, Ro3 = 82 Ω.

If the amplitude of the input signal is vi = 0.5 V, find the amplitude of the amplified output singnal, vo.
