- The next Audio Club meeting will be on Mon, Apr. 15 at 5:30 p.m. in 2011 Coover. (Note the location.)
- We will have another "build session" to work on speakers. Everyone should have all their parts, so if you want to work on assembly, bring them to the meeting. This will be the last meeting to work on speakers before the end of the semester.
- Like last time, I will bring a box full of clamps, a bottle of glue, and a drill (with bits).
- Bring your wood panels if you would like to try gluing them together. Or bring your components to solder the crossover circuits. Or both.
- I'm willing to loan out pairs of clamps for a week or two, if you would like to work on the boxes at home.
- General instructions and hints are given in the document linked below.
Apr 1, 2024
- Today's meeting was for building speakers.
- An updated set of instructions, with more detail about the crossover circuits and the final assembly.
Feb 19, 2024
- At our meeting this evening, an overview of the "Overnight Sensation" speakers was presented. We will be building these as a club project after spring break.
- PDF of the presentation slides.
- A few links:
- Paul Carmody's web page describing his design.
- The home page to his full site, which has lots of other interesting info.
- Kit from Parts Express. (Note that the kit does not include connectors.)
Feb 5, 2024
- At our meeting this evening, we discussed how speakers work. The description was mostly qualitative. We will have deeper dives into detailed function, measurement, and design at later meetings. We had some simple demonstrations using a function generator and several different speaker drivers.
- PDF of the presentation slides.
- A handful ofyouTube links that I thought were interesting. These all demonstrate basic speaker operation: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (Video 6 is a follow-on to number 5.)There are probably a gazillion more.